Quantity :1

Title: A formulation of an agribusiness enterprise development program for the Abra River Irrigations Association, Inc. (ARIA)

Author : Gandeza, Antonio T.

The study aimed to undertake preliminary planning of agribusiness enterprise projects intended to address the felt needs and potential deficiencies of the Abra River Irrigators Association, Inc. or ARIA in the province of Abra. Three such project conceptswere prepared, namely : (a) post-harvest processing and rice marketing center, (b) agricultural inputs supply center, and (c) ARIA financing program. At most, the preparation of these project concepts is a pre-feasibility study to determine their viability. The post-harvest processing and rice marketing center has the following components : warehouse, rice mill, drying area, delivery trucks, market stalls and storage facilities and 5 personnel. Collected irrigation fees in palay form are processed and marketed by the center. It also provides milling and marketing services to the members for a fee. Total estimated investment outlay is P 380,000. Its benefit cost ratio (BCR) is 3.10.


agribusiness management agribusiness enterprise development program Abra River Irrigations Association, Inc Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : May 1990



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SEARCA Library


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