Quantity :1

Title: Wetability and gluability of Apitong (Diptercarpus grandiflorus Blanco) veneer

Author : Nguyen Tinh

The wettability and gluability of apitong were studied on various experiments. Green apitong heartwood veneer, 1/16 inch thick, obtained from Quezon Province, were used in the study. Wettability was determined by measuring contact angles with distilled water. Apitong veneers were glued with liquid urea formaldehyde CR-5H. The bond strength was evaluated by the ASTM standard for dry shear strength of adhesive in plywood-type construction and the Japanese standard for Type II plywood which is the hot and cold soak shear test. Treatment with sodium hydroxide and methanolbenzene significantly increased the wettability and gluability of apitong veneer. Treatment with acetone did not show any significant difference in wettability and gluability from the untreated veneer. On the other hand, the wettability and gluability of veneer treated with ether were significantly reduced. Sodium hydroxide and ether remarkably decreased the water resistance of the liquid urea formaldehyde CR-5H.


forestry Wetability gluability Apitong Diptercarpus grandiflorus

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : October 1973



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