Quantity :1

Title: An economic analysis of pasture improvement and grazing practices of beef cattle production in the Philippines

Author : Nguyen Tri Khiem

The study was undertaken to identify the costs involved in pasture improvement programs and improved grazing practices in some beef cattle farms. The cost and return generated by various stocking rates were compared. A farm plan and budget was prepared todetermine the cost and return resulting from pasture improvement program. The annual establishment cost per hectare was P 93.45 broken down as P 16.43 for plowing and harrowing, P 4.09 for furrowing, P 10.96 for planting and seedling, P 24.35 for fertilization, P 9.60 for fencing and P 8.50 for interest. The annual maintenance cost averaged at P 210.79 broken down as P 40.05 for mowing, P 24.00 for weed and pest control, P 125.74 for fertilization and P 21.00 for interest. The total annual establishment and maintenance cost was P 304.24 per hectare. The average stocking rates varied from .68 animal unit to 3.25 animal units per hectare. The gross margin per hectare which was the return above cash costs including labor cost and pasture production cost varied from P 2.57 to P 108.04. Similarly, the gross margin per animal unit ranged from P 20.17 to P 109.44. The farm plan and budget study showed that the gross return per hectare and per animal unit increased considerably by improving the carrying capacity of pasture land.


agricultural economics economic analysis pasture improvement grazing practices beef cattle production

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : May 1973



T - AgEc 2

SEARCA Library


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