Quantity :1

Title: A biological and toxicological study of the spider mite (Tetranychus Kanzawai Kishida)

Author : Sieng Klitsaneephaiboon

The life history and habits of the spider mite, tetranychus kanzawai Kishida were investigated as well as the response of the different stages to six acaricides. Observations were also made on the habits and predation of a phytoselid mite, Amblyseius longispinosus (Evans). The total developmental period of T. kanzawai on soybean from egg hatching to adult emergence was 4.75 to 8.25 days for the females and 4.25 to 8.25 days for the males with an average of 6.64 and 5.37 days, respectively. The incubation period lasted from 3.75 to 4.75 days with an average of 4.17 days. The duration of the female and male larval stages ranged from 1.5 to 3.25 and 1.50 to 2.75 days with an average of 2.16 and 1.86 days, respectively. The female protonymphal stage ranged from 1.50 to 3.25 days with an average of 1.92 days while the male protonymphal stage ranged from 1.25 to 2.75 days with an average of 1.54 days. The deutonymph stage lasted for 1.50 to 3.25 days with an average of 2.54 and 1.96 days for the females and males, respectively.


entomology biology spider mite Tetranychus Kanzawai Kishida toxicology

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos,

Publication Date : February 1973



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SEARCA Library


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