Quantity :1

Title: Evaluation of the Integrated Sub-district Development Program (ISDP) in Banyumas district, Central Java, Indonesia

Author : Waluyo Handoko

The study was undertaken to evaluate the Integrated Sub-district Development Program (ISDP) using system model of evaluation research. The input variables studied were socio-demographic characteristics of village people and ISDP services. The transformation process variables were agency involvement and coordination, and village people participation. On the other hand, the output variables were ISDP outputs expressed in terms of economic, social, and educational development. Data gathering was done in five villages of Baturaden sub-district and five villages of Kembaran sub-district, in Banyumas district, Central JAva, Indonesia. The results of the tests of relationships of the aggregated socio-demographic characteristic of village people showed no significance to the ISDP performance. The correlation analysis done revealed that roads/bridges component was not associated significantly with performance; the health service was associated significantly with performance in economic development; water system service related significantly to the performance in economic, social, and educational development; and education service was significantly related with the performance in economic development.


rural development development program Java Indonesia

Material : theses

Publisher : Central Luzon State University (CLSU),

Publication Date : June 2000



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SEARCA Library


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