Quantity :1

Title: Comparative analysis of organization performance in selected dairy cattle raising communities in Gialam, Vietnam

Author : Trinh Dinh Thau

This study was conducted in Phudong and Trungmau, Gialam district, Vietnam. The general objective of the study was to analyze the performance of household dairy cattle raising organization. Specifically, it aimed to (1) describe the historical antecedents of the community organizations and their roles/contribution in household dairy cattle raising in the village, (2) compare the technical efficiency of household dairy cattle raising organizations, (3) identify the factors which are related to the performance of household dairy cattle raising organization, and (4) formulate policy recommendations that may enhance sustainability of household dairy cattle raising at the community level.

A total sample of 148 respondents was taken proportionately based on the population of each organization. Data were gathered through individual and focus interviews, and from secondary sources of information. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. Means, ranges, frequencies, and percentages were used to describe household characteristics, community characteristics, support and services system, and organization performance. Frontier production function model was used to measure technical efficiency of household in dairy cattle-raising. T-test one-way analysis was used to determine if there was significant difference between the two organizations. Pearson Correlation analysis identified the variables that were related to performance of the organization (i.e., technical efficiency and empowerment of organization in terms of decision making, participation in dairy cattle-raising, and linkage with other organizations). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relative effect/contribution of the significantly associated variables as predictors or determinants of organization performance (i.e., technical efficiency and empowerment).

Results showed that the technical efficiency and empowerment of Milk Collection Center members were higher than that of Dairy Cattle Raising Association members. The majority of the respondents of both organizations in both villages perceived a high level of empowerment of members in their organization.

Results also showed that educational attainment, annual family gross income, farm experience, perception and attitude toward the organizations, communication system, community leadership, equipment and raw materials, training course, credit support, extension services, roles and functions of organization, and incentives of the organization were significantly related to organization performance.

Among these significant variables, educational attainment, family income, farm experience, annual family gross income, attitude and perception toward the organization, equipment and raw materials in community, community leadership, communication system, training course, credit, roles and function, and incentives of the organization were major variables that influenced technical efficiency of members in dairy cattle raising in both organizations. The aforementioned variables were also determinants of empowerment of organization, except for the members’ family income and incentives from organization.

The study also noted the contribution and supportive role of the state and local governments, and nongovernment organizations in harnessing the potentials and capacities of local people. The study recommended that the Milk Collection Center should be adopted and expanded by the state government for household dairy cattleraising in rural Vietnam. The study also recommended the improvement of education of dairy cattle raisers, improvement of the quality of training courses, extension of more credit assistance and incentives support, among others, to household dairy cattle-raising.


community development dairy cattle raising

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos,

Publication Date : February 2001



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