Quantity :1

Title: Performance analysis of contract reforestation in Cebu province: silviculture and social perspectives.

Author : Baggayan, Rogelio L. Jr.

This study analyzed the performance of contract reforestation in Cebu Province, focusing on the physical, technical, associated understorey species, and social components of the reforestation areas as parameters. A stratified random sampling with unequal allocation was employed. Family and community type of contracts were considered with Gmelina arborea and Swietenia macrophylla plantations at the sloping areas. The surveyed reforestation areas are considered marginal. Plantations of G. arborea and S. macrophylla under family contract were found to be almost similar with that of the community contract in terms of soil, physiographic, and associated understorey species. Moreover, 64 relationships among bio-physical variables had significant correlation. The performance of G. arborea and S. macrophylla plantations established by family and community contractors was found to be poor in terms of the 5-year growth and first year survival. Majority of the respondents were early adult to middle age, male, married, with elementary education, have been in the area for more than 41 years, and relatively near (0-1 km) the reforestation area. Most of them had positive perception and favorable attitude towards the various aspects of the contract reforestation (CR). Primary problems identified in contract reforestation were typhoon, drought, pests and diseases, seedling survival, accessibility, delayed evaluation for billing, and delayed release of payment by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). Growth of G. arborea and growth and surivival of S. macrophylla were significantly correlated with some of the bio-physical variables. Moreover, hardening duration and method of site preparation has significant correlation with growth of both species. Attitude towards the objectives of CR by contractors and involved respondents was significantly and positively correlated with growth of G. arborea. Attitude towards the accomplishment of the CR of the involved respondents was significantly and positively.


forestry reforestation silviculture Cebu

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : June 1996



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