Quantity :1

Title: Assessment of the capability of the council for the development of Cambodia in managing foreign direct investment.

Author : Kim Vathanak Thida

This study was conducted to assess the management capability of CDC in managing foreign direct investment (FDI) in Cambodia. It aimed to 1) identify external factors that contribute to or constraint the FDI management capability by CDC,2) describe the present government policies and institutional framework related to FDI, 3) describe and assess the management factors of CDC that influence FDI, 4) assess the contribution of CDC to the growth of FDI, 5) identify the problems encountered by FDI related or brought about by the management capability of CDC/CIB and 6) assess the positive and negative impact of FDI to Cambodia. The framework of this study consisted of external factors, policies and institutional framework influencing each other through a series of reciprocating flow. These factors contributed to the capability of CDC to administer FDI. Primary data were collected by surveying and interviewing government officials, foeign investors and CDC/CIB staff. Secondary data were sourced from existing records and documents from the office of CDC, CIB, Municipality of Phnom Penh, Ministry of Planning, Foreign Embassy, Internet, Asian Development Bank, World Bank and Related agencies. Formal and informal interviews were conducted among CDC/CIB staff and government officials to supplement the secondary data. The study used ranking, descriptive, qualitative and quantitative method for data analysis. The study found out that external on the macro and micro levels had affected the capability of CDC to manage FDI. These factors are economic and political environment, infrastructure or support services, effects of FDI on regional development, and FDI and industrial estates (all on the macro level), and land use policy, location


development management Assessment management capability foreign direct investment Cambodia

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : March 1998



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