Quantity :1

Title: Prediction of sustainability of various homegardens in Lampung province, Indonesia using AHP and Logit models

Author : Christine Wulandari

The results revealed that the majority of the respondents were Javanese (42.93 percent) and that the respondents were generally in the productive age (38.70 years old); 50.70 percent were male and 49.30 percent were female; and have attended elementary school. In terms of decision-making, both husband and wife (38.71 percent) decide the species to plant, the planting lay-out, and the purpose of the pekarangan harvest. The respondent were found to have five members in the family; generally have farming as main source of income; have annual family income of Rp 4,530,480 and net income from pekarangan of Rp 756,960, mostly own a pekarangan with an average pekarangan size of 816.43 sq.m. Most of the respondents (81.39 percent) have no problem in labor adequancy in each of the activities in the pekarangan. More than one-fifth (29.28 percent) have two activities in their pekarangan and 26.05 percent have three activities. Pekarangan crops are harvested monthly and all harvests are used by 32.26 percent of the respondent for their daily needs. Pekarangan's Social Acceptability Index was found to be moderate level and Farming Index indicated low level. Among the conclusions or inferences that could be made from this study, is the fact that the sufficiency of daily needs fro people who live near forests is major consideration in addressing forest encroachment problem. Thus, forest managers who wish to tap pekarangan development as a forest management approach should not only focus on the biophysical aspect of forest but also the socio-economic factors that influence people's attitudes and prcatices related to forests.


forest resources management sustainability homegardens Lampung province Logit model Indonesia

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : Aptil 1999



D - FoRM 13

SEARCA Library


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