Quantity :1

Title: Stakeholder analysis for the coastal zone management (CZM) of barangay Hugom, San Juan, Batangas.

Author : Cabanilla, Abigail M.

Barangay Hugom of San Juan Batangas, is a small coastal community devoted to fishing, farming, and tourism. It is also the object of various non-governmental organization's (NGOs) environmental awareness and conservation interventions. These diverse stakeholders to the coastal zone resources and their respective interests undeniably give rise to conflict. In the context of CZM, it is crucial that the different stakeholders' interests are analyzed for their power relations so that resource managers, or the resource users themselves, can effectively situate themselves to successfully address the different conflicts and issues confronting the stakeholders. The study operationalized a definition and categorization of stakeholders by examining stakeholder power relations, and by providing the impetus for stakeholder collaboration. It also demonstrated the merits of using multiple methods and participatory techniques to stakeholder analysis. The study can be used to facilitate collaboration for CZM through the analysis of power relations.


environmental science coastal zone management stakeholder analysis

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : October 2002



T - EnSc 6

SEARCA Library


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