Quantity :1

Title: The impact of export tax on the palm oil industry in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Author : Leonardus Subagyo

The study aimed to analyze the impact of export tax on the palm oil industry in Indonesia and Malaysia using time series data from 1980 to 2000. Analysis of the government policies affecting the palm oil industry revealed that the export duty for crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel oil (PKO) was first implemented in 1995 in Indonesia and in 1989 in Malaysia. The three main institutions involved in the implementation of palm oil development program in Malaysia were : the Palm Oil and Licensing Authority, the Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia, and the Malaysian Palm Oil Promotion Council. Export credit, palm oil credit, and payment arrangement scheme were the other government policies designed to enhance the development of the palm oil industry. The average area productivity, average plant productivity (except for crude palm oil), per capita consumption of CPO and PKO significantly increased after the imposition of export tax. In Indonesia, average yearly export volume of palm oil products, except for palm kernel, and in MAlaysia, average yearly export volume of palm oil products, except for CPO, increased after imposition of export tax. In Indonesia, average yearly net trade values of palm oil products, except for palm kernel, significantly increased. In Malaysia, average yearly net trade values of palm oil products, except for CPO, significantly increased. In Indonesia, CM of palm oil products, except for CPO and palm kernel, positively increased. In Malaysia, CM of processed palm oil, and palm kernel, positively increased. The average RCA for palm oil products, except for palm kernel cake, in Indonesia and Malaysia significantly increased after imposition of export tax. Results of the regression analysis show that domestic production, domestic consumption, export price and CM significantly affected the export volume of CPO in Indonesia. For PKO, foreign exchange rate and CM had positive and significant effect on the export volume.


agricultural economics palm oil industry export tax Indonesia Malaysia

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : July 2002



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