Quantity :1

Title: Communication strategies for sustainable development of community business for women farmer groups in the central region of Thailand.

Author : Choawalak Chaiwirattana

Factors related to sustainability of community business were studied. As presented in the conceptual framework, the main variable, communication strategy divided into communication method and communication channel were studied together with a group of a second variable labeled Other Factors. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) Communication methods used in community business of women farmer groups in the Central Region of Thailand; (2) Communication methods used related to sustainability in community business of women farmer groups in the Central Region of Thailand; (3) Channels or sources of information on community business of women farmer groups in the Central Region of Thailand; (4) Comparison of the three categories of women farmer groups community business in the Central Region of Thailand in sources of information; (5) Other factors related to the sustainability of women farmers community business in the Central Region of Thailand. The following factors : level of participation, community structure, perceived benefit from joining the group, perceived effect of media on behavior change, and problems encountered in community business were related to the sustainability of community business.


development communication communication strategy community organization community participation business women information sources sustainability Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : Kasetsart University,

Publication Date : October 2001



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