Quantity :1

Title: An opinion analysis of farmer groups role in agricultural resources management on coastal lands in Thailand.

Author : Thotsaporn Maneeratana

This study was conducted on the farmer groups occupying the coastal lands of Thailand with the objectives to (1) identify the demographic characteristics and agricultural activities of farmer groups on coastal lands in Thailand; (2) identify the farmer groups role in agricultural resources management of coastal lands in Thailand and; (3)identify the farmer group role in natural resources and environment conservation on coastal lands in Thailand. A total of 171 FGCs were chosen by simple random sampling. Data were gathered using the questionnaire with close supervision of the researcher. The data were analyzed with the use of both descriptive and inferential statistics as t-test, pearson product moment correlation. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used for the data computerization at the Department of Agricultural Extension, Bangkok, Thailand. From the findings, it can be concluded that the farmer groups in the coastal lands of Thailand are elderlies, male dominated and basically literate. They are self-sufficient in general having their own land and funds by which they can engage in a wide variety of agricultural activities. Farm mechanization has not reached its optimum because they still depend on rainfall and natural water resources. Their income is above subsistence level generated from fisheries, field crops, and livestock in descending order. The perceived roles of farmer groups in agricultural resources management are all positively related to effective soil resource management. All the negative aspects as well as those elements beyond their control did not influence their performance of their roles. Farmer groups in the coastal lands in Thailand possess positive characteristics and they play their role at their best based on existing conditions.


farmer groups coastal land development coastal management agricultural resources management natural resources environment conservation Thailand

Material : theses

Publisher : Kasetsart University,

Publication Date : October 2002



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