Quantity :1

Title: Influence of iodized salt on the quality of process food: Dried fish (Alumahan / Rastrelliger chrysozonus).

Author : Vilayphone Keosilaphet

The prevalence of Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) prompted the study on the use of iodized salt in processed food. This study aimed to find out the effect of iodized salt on the physical, chemical and sensory properties of dried salted fish, alumahan (local name), striped mackerel (English name), Rastreilliger chrysozomus (scientific name). The fresh alumahan was cleaned of dirt, eviscerated to remove intestine and cut into halves; soaked in brine solution for 1,3, and 6 hours; rinsed in clean tap water to remove adhering salt, dried either under the sun or in mechanical dryer until the moisture content was 35-45% and finally kept in refrigerator for analysis and evaluation. the fish samples were soaked in 20% brine solution made from rock salt and the other sample from iodized salt. Results of the study indicated that the method of drying did not show any significant differences in sensory quality either in cooked or uncooked alumahan except for the hardness and chewiness. Soaking time significantly affected the quality of dried alumahan. Three and 6 hours soaking periods affected the hardness, saltiness, chewiness, and juiciness of the fish. The results of paired comparison test and the triangle were almost the same. Panelist were not able to detect the difference in the fish sample that used iodized salt, in all the soaking periods investigated (i.e. 1,3, and 6 hours). the iodine level of sample soaked in 20% brine solution made from iodized salt showed significant increase as the same time of soaking increased, while the iodine content of fish sample soaked in 20% brine solution made from rock salt remained the same. Similar results were observed regardless of the type of drying method used and the heat treatment (cooking), applied to the fish sample. This study concluded that iodized salt can be used for processing dried salted fish. The iodine content was not affected by method of drying and cooking.


food science dried fish salt quality chemical composition physical properties iodized salt sensory properties iodine content moisture content color

Material : theses

Publisher : National Foods Science Engineering Institute (ENSIA) / SEARCA - AIDP,

Publication Date : December 2003



T - FoSc 19

SEARCA Library


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