Quantity :1

Title: Strategic solid waste management planning for Yangon City, Myanmar.

Author : Seinn Lei Aye

Yangon City in Myanmar needs proper environmental planning primarily on solid waste management in the face of rapid population increase and urbanization. The study focused on the analysis of the City's problems and issues of solid waste management and the ensuing formulation of a strategic Solid Waste Management Plan. The current waste generation rate is 0.465 kg/capita/day in Yangon City with a bulk density of 250 kg/cubic meter. Kitchen wastes and garden trimmings constitute 65 percent of the total wastes while plastic, paper, and cardboard 18 percent and the rest (17 percent) composed of glass, cans, textile, leather and rubber. The existing solid waste management system in Yangon City is basically labor intensive, the service area does not cover the entire City , and the final disposal sites are not sufficient for the volume of wastes. The quantity of daily wastes collected is about 671.5 tons out of the total generation of 1912 tons, or a collection rate of 35 percent. The Strategic Solid Waste Management Plan has been developed following the concepts of basic planning hierarchy and participatory planning. The strategies are envisioned for 20 years (2006-2026) covering : (1) public awareness and education, (2) waste minimization, (3) waste collection and transportation, (4) waste treatment and disposal, and (5) cost recovery and financial sustainability. The study recommends that the Strategic Plan should be supported with enabling policies and legislations as well as sufficient budgetary allocation for effective and successful implementation.


solid waste management municipal solid wastes waste generation waste treatment waste composition waste density collection vehicle public awareness waste treatment disposal

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos,

Publication Date : December 2005



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SEARCA Library


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