Quantity :1

Title: Communication and interagency linkages for sustainable agriculture in the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Author : Prum Somany

The objectives of the study were to identify the communication variables that affect linkages between the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) and the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE). A total of 93 respondents from CARDI and DAE were interviewed using different sets of questionnaires. Findings revealed the important role of communication in inter-agency linkages between CARDI and DAE. The methods of communication such as meetings, formal discussions, formal letter/memo, telephone, and Internet strengthen linkages. However, individual discussion effectively maintained a close linkage between agencies, and enhanced people's involvement at the appropriate level, as well as sustained their individual contact. Less than 50 percent of the new technologies produced by CARDI have been utilized and transferred to the farmers mostly through farmers' meetings, community organizing, leaflets, posters, school programs, and magazines.


communication inter-agency linkages technology information sharing CARDI DAE Cambodia

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : December 2004



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