Quantity :1

Title: Systems approach to exploratory analysis of agricultural land use options at the municipal level.

Author : Orno-Coladilla, Jesusita L.

To resolve land use analysis and planning issues towards sustainable resource management at the municipal level, LUPAS framework developed at the provincial level was modified and applied in Bay, Laguna, the case study area, to test its capability and applicability at municipal level planning. The Systems Approach for Land Use Analysis and Planning (SALUAP) framework used consists of five components, four databases and one auxiliary component (GIS). The goals and objectives of Bay to increase farmers' net income, ensure food security and manage natural resources in the next ten years subject to 723 has agricultural land conversion, 3.1% annual population growth, available water, current production rate and current prices of inputs and output were developed into a multiple goal linear program (MGLP) model. Objective functions were optimized for year 2005 and 2015 development scenario. Considering the agricultural modernization and intensification impacts to the environment, the high cost of agricultural inputs and the low price of outputs, the social acceptability and other concerns, the analysis and evaluation of the resulting land use options and allocations showed that Bay's development plan to modernize agricultural production and massive hybrid rice introduction will not meet its goals and objectives. Instead, promoting and supporting the current land use types that require less fertilizer and pesticides inputs, optimize available labor, provide higher net income, enhance ecological services of the production systems, and are locally acceptable should be promoted. These land use types consist mainly of ornamental productions (237 has) and fingerlings production (159 has) in the lowland areas and coconut-based multiple cropping system (891 has) in the upland areas. Results showed that SALUAP framework could be used in the exploratory land use options analysis at the municipal level.


land use land evaluation geographical information system sustainable natural resources management environmental sustainability agricultural products demand yield estimation Bay Laguna

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB),

Publication Date : July 2006



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