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Title: Level and structure of innovations adoption in beef cattle farming of Cooperative Cafe Timor's aid in timor Leste.

Author : Vicente, Julio

Introduction on technology to breed slaughtered cattle had been recommended to the farmers by the official of Cooperative Cafe Timor (CCT). However, from various kinds of technology recommended to these farmers for fatting cattle, however there are still few amounts of these technologies had been adopted entirely by the farmers that have certain characteristic. The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors of farmers characteristic influencing the adoption rate of technology in cattle husbandry as the auxiliary of Cooperative Cafe Timor (CCT). This research was conducted by survey method, initiated from August to December 2008. The result of this research concludes that the experience of farmers and contribution of cattle business income to familiar income significantly (P<=0.01) influence to the adoption of technology, by positive coefficient. Education level, total of familial burden and time allocation doesn't significantly influence to the adoption of technology. As much 52.7% of the adoption of technology can be collectively explained by factors influencing in this research. Technology/innovation is not unrelated to the communication system or technological change is possibly to happen without the existence of informational source or communicator. In this research, the meant sources are government, privates, universities/academics, and colleague of peasants.


beef cattle farming adoption level adoption structure innovations adoption Timor Leste

Material : theses

Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM),

Publication Date : 2009



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