Quantity :1

Title: Social capital and the performance of farmer water user communities (FWUCs) in Takeo Province, Cambodia.

Author : Heng Naret

This study analyzed the critical social capital variables related to the level of performance in three selected FWUCs in Takeo province, Cambodia. Specifically, the study aimed: (1) describe the socio-demographic and economic profile of the respondents; (2) describe the level of adequacy of social capital operating in three selected FWUCs in Takeo province, Cambodia; (3) determine the critical social capital variables and their contribution to the level of performance in three selected FWUCs in Takeo province, Cambodia; and (4) recommend course of actions to concerned institutions to improve the performance of social capital in the FWUCs. Results showed that the level of adequacy of social capital in terms of groups and networks, and information and communication in three FWUCs in Takeo province was low. However, there was moderate level of adequacy of social capital in terms of trust and solidarity, collective action and cooperation, social cohesion and inclusion, and empowerment and political action. It resulted to moderate performance of the FWUCs because the FWUC officers lacked knowledge and skills especially on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Based on these findings, some recommendations at the national level are forwarded. MOWRAM should intensify efforts in implementing PIMD policy; launch more both information education and social marketing campaigns to motivate farmers in joining FWUCs thereby increasing trust, solidarity, participation, and cooperation among communities.


social capital trust solidarity cooperation information and communication social cohesion empowerment political action Cambodia

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : April 2010



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SEARCA Library


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