Quantity :1

Title: Economic, health and environmental effects of pesticide use in mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilezek) production in Myanmar.

Author : Seinn Seinn Mu

ANOVA results showed that the mean yield, pesticide cost, and total production cost per hectare were significantly different among the three groups of mung bean farmers classified according to the dosage of pesticides applied. The group of farmers who applied the highest dosage of pesticides incurred the highest production cost per hectare and obtained the highest yield and gross revenue per hectare compared to the moderate pesticide dosage users and the low pesticide dosage users and the low pesticide dosage users. Hence, their revenue advantage was offset by their higher production cost. Mean net income per hectare, however, was not significantly different among the three groups of mung bean farmers. Results of the multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the significant factors which exhibited a positive effect on mung bean yield were the correct type of insecticides used, dosage of pesticides, training attendance dummy, and experience in using pesticides. Based on the results of the logit analysis, the factors which significantly influence the probability of incidence of getting ill from pesticide use are the number of years using pesticides and spraying direction. The positive sign of the coefficient of the number of years that the mung bean farmers and hired workers used pesticides indicates that the longer they use pesticides, the higher the probability that they will get sick from pesticide exposure. Moreover, the probability of the incidence of illness is lowered when a farmer or a hired farm worker adopts the proper way of spraying.


mungbean pesticide use human health environment farm practices pesticide poisoning illnesses diseases Myanmar

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB),

Publication Date : April 2010



T - AgEc 52

SEARCA Library


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