Quantity :1

Title: Climate change impacts and adaptation among the indigenous highland farming communities of the indigenous highland farming communities of the Ambuklao Watershed, Benguet Philippines

Author : Laruan, Kenneth Alip

The study was conducted to analyze local level climatic trends, characterize and evaluate adaptations on response to climate change impacts with respect to crop production, water resources and household economy. Statictical analysis of mean annual, minimum and maximum temperature revealed significant increasing trends and changes from 1920 to 2009 indicating that climate change took place in the Ambuklao Watershed. Climate change impacts negatively affected crop production, water resources and the household economy, including other components of the households' farming system. Impacts are still tolerable due to its cool climate and minimal increase in current and projected temperatures. However, it is likely that as population and agriculture continuous to expand, further stain to the watersheds' ecosystem may exacerbate climate change impacts. In the future, it is projected that the study site may experience life-threatening damages when exposed to climate related hazards. Respondents' current adaptation are within coping range. Almost all adaptation rated effective and that the cost and degree of institutional capacity needed were low, easy to implement and highly acceptable to farmers. Such adaptations did not completely restrain climate change impacts but were effective enough to sustain the farm household's economic needs. However, some adaptations used may worsen climate chnage impacts. In the future, these adaptation may render ineffective and the indigenous highland farming communities in the Ambuklao Watershed will be more vulnerable to climate change impacts.


climate change famer Ambuklao watershed, Benguet Philippines

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : April 2011



D - FoRM 29

SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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