Quantity :1

Title: Ecosystem and community based model for zonation in Nino Konis Santana National Park, Timor-Leste.

Author : Raimundo Mau

In order to contribute in the management purposes of Nino Kinos Santana National Park, an ecosystem and community based model for zonation has been designed. The study focused on data exploration of the potential assets of ecological, physics and social economic factors as basis in designing zonation. Zonation scheme was done systematically by conductimg several stages of processes such as assessment on High Conservation Values Areas (HCVAs), delineation of Priorities Conservation Areas (PCAs) and evaluation of social economic of the community in six villages. Assessment of HCVA occurrence is based on several maps such as Land Cover, Digital Terrain Model, IUCN Listed Species and Social Economic Characteristics. Land cover map was classified based on Landsat TM5 acquired in November 2006, Digital Terrain Model analysis by generated slopes and elevation maps was based on the United State Geology and Survey-Shuttle Radar Thematic Mapping points data. Social economic data analyzed is focused on the pressures by population density and household activities in gathering forest products. Integration of several method analyses has used such as satellite imagery processing, surfaces analysis and spatial analysis. The product of the study is the Bioshere Reserves Zonation model for terrestrial part of Nino Konis Santana National Park. Coverage area were Core Areas 180.90 km2 (26.7%), Buffer Zones 215.3 km2 (32.9 %) and Transition Areas 279.8 km2 (40.46%). Core Areas consisted of PCA-1 Jaco Island, Tutula Beach and Adjacent Forests, Paitchao Mountain Range and Lore Reserve Forests, dominantly distributed in villages such Lore I and Tutula. Buffer Zones is consists of PCA-2 Forests Habitat Corridor, PCA-3 Iralalaro and Numunira Lake, PCA-3 Oaoloho Swamp Forests and PCA-4 North Dry Lowland Forests. Buffer zones mainly were distributed in Mehara and Muapitine villages. Transition Area consisted of areas that have no sufficient data to extract the conservation values that might exist.


Nino Konis Santana Timor-Leste conservation National park

Material : theses

Publisher : Bogor Agricultural University,

Publication Date : 2010



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SEARCA Library


Tags (theses)


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