Quantity :1

Title: Participatory development communication in community based natural resources management within the agricultural community in Krabyai Sub-district.

Author : Cherdpong Kheerajit

This study aims to: 1) identify the status of community-based natural resources management in Krabyai sub-district, Ratchaburi province; 2) determine the participatory development communication levels for community-based natural resources management by stakeholders within the agricultural communities in Krabyai sub-district, Ratchaburi province; 3) find out the level of knowledge, attitude and practice in community-based natural resources management of the Community development for Economic Sufficiency Project (CDESP); 4) analyze the relationship between the stakeholders' participatory development communication levels and level of knowledge, attitude and practice on community-based natural resources management; 5)recommend steps to enhance participatory development communication as applied to community-based natural resources management based on the results of the study. The study followed a one-shot survey research design. Complete enumeration was applied for the sampling of respondents. The 43 respondents came form two main groups: 35 farmers and 8 government officers. The interview guide contained semi-structured to elicit from stakeholders. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient analysis. Data analysis revealed there were significant relationship between the level of participatory development communication and community-based natural resources management knowledge, attitude and practice rank of stakeholder which is significant at .05 level.


communication natural resources management

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines, Los Baños,

Publication Date : December 2013



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