Quantity :1

Title: Cassava marketing in Pailin province, Cambodia, 2014.

Author : Chheun Sreyneang

This study was conducted at the farm and the intermediary market levels to examine the efficiency of cassava marketing system in Pailin Province, Cambodia. A total of 120 cassava farmers and 20 traders were randomly selected for the study. The analysis included the tracing method, marketing margin, mark-up, price share, and Shepherd’s Index. Results revealed that majority of the cassava (73.28%) was exported to Thailand. Farmers, local collectors, and wholesalers were the major marketing agents involved in delivering cassava from the farm to local processing firms and Thai importers. Cassava price was determined by the buyers and was based on the prevailing marketing price and quality. Marketing channel for cassava was short, having only two intermediaries, the local collectors and wholesalers, with the latter earning more profit and incurring the least marketing cost. Farmers claimed a higher share to end-user’s price (45.11%), followed by local collectors (29.60%), and wholesalers (19.65%). Among marketing channels, channel III obtained the highest margin, while channel V was considered most efficient channel for having the highest marketing efficiency index of 3.85. It also distributed the highest volume of cassava compared to other channels. Marketing cost had a negative effect on the profit of cassava marketing agents. In order to improve the marketing efficiency of cassava in Pailin Province, marketing cost at farm and intermediaries levels should be minimized. Policy directions like the establishment of an effective and efficient market information system, promotion of local processing firms, establishment of required postharvest facilities, and improvement of road infrastructure are suggested.


cassava marketing system tracing method marketing margin price

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Baños,

Publication Date : July 2015



T - AgEc 65

SEARCA Library


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