Quantity :1

Title: Land evaluation as a basis for agriculture food crops development: case in Raumoco Lautem Timor Leste.

Author : Antonio Joao da Costa

Land surveying activities have been carried out in Raumoco Lautem, East Timor, and covering sub-district Lautem and Luro form October 2013 to January 2015 on area of 13,353.5 ha with 11 land units. The sub-district of Lautem land units consists of Lalinuk 1 (SPT 5), Lalinuk 2 (SPT 6), Salapunu (SPT 12), Suruwaku (SPT 18), and Macalodo (101). The Luro sub-district land units covering Odafuro (SPT 17), Etanisi (SPT 59), Ailarino (SPT 105), Akawasa (SPT 125), Atecalmor (SPT 126) and Burugue (SPT 130). Each land unit as represented by a soil profile. Soil samples from representative's profile and composites has been analyzed using a set of equipments and chemicals for soil analysis at the Soil Science Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The results of land evaluation are in two soil types, namely Entisol and Inceptisol that formed under the rainfall is 1,044.7 mm year-1, the average air temperature at 26.5 degrees celsius with isothermic soil temperature regime and ustic humidity regime. Entisol covers a land area of 12,607.1 ha (94.4%) and Inceptisol is 746.4 ha (5.6%). Soil fertility is low to high with the percentage are low 18.2%, medium 63.6% and higher 18.2%. The main obstacle of soil fertility is soil moisture dryness. Land stability for rice and maize on the actual conditions by LPT Bogor system are S3rfn 18.2%, N1me 45.5% and N2m 36.3%. Land suitability classes on the potential conditions are S3mre 27.3%, N1m 36.4% and N2m 36.3%. Soybean crop actually contained by S3N 18.2%, N1me 36.3% and N2m 45.5; whereas, the land suitability classes on the potential condition is increasing to S2tmrn 18.2%, S3mre 9.1%, N1m 36.45 and N2m 36.3%. The actual land suitability for peanut are S3n 18.2%, N1me 45.5% and N2m 36.3%. On the potential conditions to S2mn 18.2%, S3me 9.1%, 36.4% and 36.3% N1M N2m. The rice, maize,soybean and peanut are quite suitable in the sub-district of Lautem and Luro especially on land units of Odafuro (SPT 17) and ...


soil fertility; land suitability; rice; pulses

Material : theses

Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Publication Date : December 2015



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