Quantity :1

Title: Resettlement outcomes and restoration of resettled households' livelihood in Khamkeut District, Borikhamxay Province, Lao PDR.

Author : Phansamay Inphomma

The study focused on the outcomes of resettlement on the livelihood of the resettlement community in Khamkeut District, Borikhamxay Province, Lao PDR. The objectives of the study were to: 1) describe the socio-demographic and economic characteristics of the resettlement households; 2) discuss the institutional mechanisms for resettlement; 3) characterize the existing conditions in the resettlement communities; 4) determine the resettlement outcomes on the study households; and 5) assess the effectiveness of the THXP on the restoration of livelihood among the affected households. Data gathering methods employed were survey, focus group discussion, key informant interview and review of documents. Eighty-four household heads served as respondents of the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the data analysis. The respondents are adults, males, and married, unschooled, belong to Lao Lourm ethnic group, live in their village for more than 20 years, have small household, and low income. Primary occupation is farming while other sources of income include firewood gathering, selling and gathering of NTFPs. Before resettlement, the respondents earned an average of 7, 557, 627 Kip 945 USD) yearly from ice farming. After resettlement, their annual income on rice farming decreased to an average of 1, 494, 661 Kip (187 USD). All the respondents after resettlement dwell in concrete houses compared before resettlement. They were provide vegetable gardens, road, water and electricity in the resettlement area. There was a significant difference in the economic status of households before and after resettlement. The respondents became much poorer after living in the resettlement area. Inferential statistics revealed that resettlement has a significant effect on the household's capital assets. The natural, human and social capital decreased but there was an increase on the physical capital. The communities are well compensated which is more than enough to start start a new life. However, the compensation package will not last long, maintaining or increasing their income is what matters most. The affected households were not satisfied due to the limited availability of job opportunities in the resettlement area.


resettlement livelihood community restoration households village

Material : theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos,

Publication Date : December 2014



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SEARCA Library


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