Quantity :1

Title: Role of women in organic rice production system: A case study in Phoukout district, Xiengkhouang Province, Northern Lao PDR.

Author : Khamniem Phongthady

The qualitative study was applied to study the role of women in organic rice production system: A case study in Phoukout District, Xiengkhouang Province, Northern Lao PDR with the objectives to describe the existing organic rice production system and role of women, and identify impacts on the organic rice production. Data were collected in May 2014. Both primary and secondary data were collected. For primary data, semi-structure interview method was used. Data were collected from six village committees, six committees of organic rice production group, one officer (field staff of project), and 15 households (members of organic rice production group). The result of the study revealed that the organic rice production system was similar to traditional agriculture, but differed in farming techniques to avoid using chemical fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide. The group members had to follow standards and principles of organic agriculture. Organic agriculture is a new production method, which farmers may be unfamiliar with, and it also has many steps, especially on internal control system and process of certification. However, all farmers still had practice problems due to complex process of organic rice production system. These had many steps and new unfamiliar techniques. Some members did not properly follow the standard process, such as recording farm activities and using chemical fertilizer. Women participated more in organic agriculture than in traditional agricultural practice. However, men’s role in the organic agriculture project implementation was higher than of women due to their culture and traditional way of life. Women’s involvement in terms of time in organic rice farming activities were lesser than of men (70% by men and 30% by women). Most women spent more time in field work (80% by women and 20% by men). But, family decision making was shared equally between spouses. Research findings revealed that beneficial aspect of organic rice production was reduction in cost of production, thus increased income margin, food safety and sufficiency, ecological and environment security, restoration of soil fertility, and rice yield.


women rice production organic rice farming

Material : theses

Publisher : Khon Kaen University,

Publication Date : 2014



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SEARCA Library


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