Quantity :1

Title: Using choice experience to estimate the values of community-based natural resource management in Cambodia.

Author : Ou Ratanak

Thus, this research will provide an opportunity for community development based upon intact and healthy ecosystems; provide room for the traditional use particularly from home stay activities with local people and provide longer-term jobs for local communities around and inside the sanctuary such as environment and cultural interpreters, backcountry guides, researchers, and craftspeople. Several research topics could follow up from this study in order to provide clearly insights into the application of Choice Experiment (CE) especially investigating the effects of payment to ecotourism development and management for the benefit of species conservation through restoring habitat and maintaining home range of dolphin and keep an eye on local community culture. Many natural resources in Cambodia have a high potential for supporting livelihood improvement, particularly through ecotourism development and NTFPs collection. The majority of the rural population uses NTFPs as an important source of income and subsistence, and they are also considered to play a key role in food security in areas where seasonal food shortages occur, especially among poorer households. The main results of the analysis were as follows.


ecotourism dolphin tourism non timber forest products environmental value freshwater dolphin environmental conservation bamboo rattan resource management

Material : theses

Publisher : Tokyo University of Agriculture,

Publication Date : 2014



D - AgEc 46

SEARCA Library


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