Quantity :1

Title: Systematic review on forest governance research in Indonesia

Author : Erna lka Rahayu

Indonesia possesses large and enormous forest resources. Its condition, however, tends to degrade, and triggers ecological and social problems. Many researches, especially forest governance researches, have been conducted in Indonesia and they cover wide aspects of forest governance. Research findings are suspected neither adopted nor implemented in policy process since there is no summary of the bulk and enormous research findings presented in a simple and easy to understand form. Systematic review is proposed as one of the methods to solve this research findings presentation problem.

The aims of this research were to (1) identify forest governance research achievements in Indonesia; and (2) map forest governance research that has been conducted based on its relevance to forest management issues that will be resolved by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, study site, researcher affiliation, document type, and scope of scientific articles, as well as trend of research undertaken. This study adopted a systematic review method used by Lowry et al. (2013)* who are working in the field of ecology and do not fully comply systematic review methodologies developed and widely used in medicine and social sciences. This research applied 13 keywords to assist screening process on a scientific database and related websites. This screening process was used to find scientific articles based on inclusion criteria.

This research revealed that (1) forest governance research included 613 scientific
articles for analyses purpose; and that (2) forest governance research mapping were:
(a) research to support forest fire and climate change mitigation (through REDD+) policies present a big number (48,12%) and various aspects of researches, but not for other forest governance issues, such as community forestry, conservation, decentralization and Forest Management Unit, sustainable forest management practices, institutional issues, forestry industry, land tenure, restoration, as well as non-timber forest products and other issues; (b) forest governance researches had not been conducted evenly through Indonesia forest area. Dominant distributions of research location are in Kalimantan and Sumatra (38, 66%), while other areas were not supported yet by adequate research, both in terms of quantity and diversity aspects of forest management; (c) research related to forest governance were still dominated by Indonesian researchers, who came from international research institutions and universities in Indonesia (76, 23%), especially those who have conducted studies in the field of forestry; (d) most of the scientific articles included in this analysis were article type (83, 52%), while form of reviews and conference papers were relatively few; and (e) trend of forest governance research conducted in Indonesia tended to increase by year, however, did not occur on forest fire issue, since researches were mostly conducted after occurrence of large scale forest fires.


forest governance forest policy forestry problems land clearance forest fire climate change mitigation forest conservation

Material : Theses

Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Publication Date : August 2016



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