Quantity :1

Title: Breeding of multipurpose willows on the basis of Salix daphnoides Vill., Salix purpurea L. and Salix viminalis L.

Author : Bubner, Ben; Kohler, Angela; Zaspel, Irmtraut; Zander, Matthias; Forster, Nadja; Gloger, Jan-Christoph; Ulrichs, Christian; Schneck, Volker


short rotation coppice; salicortin; phenolic glycosides; interspecific crossing; Melampsora resistance; Salix daphnoides; Salix purpurea; Salix viminalis

Material : serials

Serial Title : Landbauforschung Applied Agricultural and Forestry Research

Publisher : Johann Heinrich von Thunen Institute

Publication Date : December 2018

ISSN : 0458-6859



LAFR v68n1-2

SEARCA Library


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