Quantity :1

Title: Diversity of Rhynchostylis gigantea (Lindl.) Ridl. in Thailand based on morphological characters and low-copy nuclear gene sequences

Author : Surapong Anuttato

A total of 57 Rhynchostylis gigantea accessions collected from 22 locations across five of the seven floristic regions of Thailand were investigated for genetic diversity based on morphological characteristics and low-copy nuclear gene sequence analysis. Morphological characteristics were evaluated using 30 qualitative and 12 quantitative characters as modified from test guidelines of Vanda and hybrid descriptor. The ANOVA analysis revealed that all of the quantitative flower characters were not significantly different. Based on 30 qualitative and 12 quantitative traits, the UPGMA dendrogram showed that this orchid species could be separated into two groups according to the topography of Thailand. The first group, 33 accessions, was found in the lowland area. The second group, 16 accessions, was found on the mountainous area. The principal component analysis (PCA) of morphological variance also showed that the accessions could be separated into two groups. However, this grouping was not clearly corresponding to the UPGMA result. DNA sequence analysis using partial DNA sequences of two low-copy nuclear genes, PgiC and PhyC, revealed high genetic variation within population (region) of these Rhy. gigantea accessions.


Rhynchostylis gigantea; genetic diversity; morphological characteristics;

Material : Theses

Publisher : Kasetsart University

Publication Date : 2016



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