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Title: Performance of F5 generation and environmental genotype-interaction (GxE) of F6 generation lines of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Author : Jose da Costa Ronal Freygen

Adaptive and productive varieties on acid soils are needed if the problem of soil acidity and Al saturation occurs in the sub soil. But if the problem occurs in the processing layer, it is cheaper and easier to overcome by land amelioration. Prospective peanuts are developed on acidic dry land. The limiting factor of farming in acidic dry land is high pH and Al saturation. Each type of plant has a different tolerance to Al saturation, and successively from tolerant to sensitive are: cassava, cowpea, peanut, gude, potato, rice, and wheat. Naturally peanuts have a good tolerance to soil acidity.

Selection is the activity of removing a number of individuals, families or lines in a diverse population. Selection activities depend on the selection scheme applied, bulk selection, pedigree selection, or mass selection. In bulk selection schemes, individual / line selection is carried out in the F5 population because fixation of useful genes has occurred. Individual selection starts at F5 and is repeated until F6. Individuals selected on F6 are visually uniform and large in number, but the number of seeds is still small. Individual selection is basically a result / plant.

The purpose of this research was to study the performance of agronomic characters, yield stability and cross-analysis of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) hope lines on soil acidity assembled by IPB. The research was carried out in December 2017 - April 2018. The research site was in the Tajur experimental garden and the Tenjo Bogor UPTD experimental garden. Using twenty-one lines of groundnut expectations, namely G13, G21, G29, G33, G37, G41, G53, G54, G76, G84, G99, G100, G133, G142, G144, G188, G199, G205, G209, G234 and G237 and three superior varieties, namely Elephant, Sima and Zebra. The variables observed were plant height, number of branches, stover weight, dry pod weight, dry seed weight, total pod size, total pods, total pod weight, pod weight, plant seed weight, 100 grain weight, skin seed cooking index and weight of dried pods per m2. Using Randomized Complete Group Design (RCBD) with three replications at each location.

Data analysis for the performance test of agronomic characters using the analysis of the variance of each environment and the analysis of combined variance, if significantly different Tukey test was carried out. Data analysis for testing cross-quantitative character analysis using correlation analysis followed by cross analysis.

Variety analysis shows very different genotypes. environments, genotype and environmental interactions. The highest genotype performance was plant height and weight of 100 seeds by G33, stover weight. total pod size, total pods, total pod weight, and seed weight per plant by Zebra varieties. The dried pods are grayed and the weight of the pods is owned by the G84 and G237 genotypes. Cook index of skin seeds by Sima variety.

Based on the cross analysis, the character of dry pod weight of jellyfish, plant seed weight and total pod weight is the characters that can be used as indirect selection criteria in the lines of groundnut expectations assembled by IPB.


correlation analysis; path analysis; variance analysis; genotype performance; peanut; Arachis hypogaea

Material : Theses

Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Publication Date : 2018



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