Quantity :1

Title: Education in Thailand 2018

Education in Thailand 2018 presents an overview of Thailand’s educational movements beginning from the background and context of Thai education, education system, standards and quality assurance in education, educational administration and management, educational participation, educational budget allocation and investment, instructional quality development, teacher and educational personnel development, significant information and statistics about educational accessibility and educational and learning outcomes, and international education in Thailand at both
basic and higher education levels including international cooperation in education. In addition, the report presents the current trends to show the progress of Thailand’s education reform. This report provides information on Thailand’s educational movements up to August 2018.


education; education system; education standards; quality assurance; educational administration; educational participation; budget allocation; investment; quality development of learning; teaching; teaching profession; access to education; international cooperation; international education; Thailand

Material : weblinks

Publisher : Office of the Education Council Ministry of Education

Publication Date : 2019

Internet Resource: http://backoffice.onec.go.th/uploads/Book/1676-file.pdf




Tags (weblinks)

ISBN number: 978-616-270-201-3


Currently Unavailable