Quantity :1

Title: Participatory communication in the development of black rice farming program

Author : Rahmawati Zulfiningrum

Black rice (Oryza sativa L. lndica) is one of the alternative food that contains high anthocyanin, antioxidants, and fiber content; therefore it can help overcome the problems of degenerative diseases, such as heart attacks and diabetes caused by food consumption and unhealthy lifestyle. Referring to these health benefits and high economic value, the development of black rice farming program requires the involvement and active role of all sensemakers (actors who are involved in the program development) in order to be useful for public health and improve the welfare of farmers.

The development of black rice program in Sirampog sub-district, Brebes District was initially developed by the Department of Agriculture through the Counseling Executing Agency (Bapeluh) funded by the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) of Brebes District in 2015. In 2008, Farmer Empowerment through Agricultural Technology and Information (FEATI) program was run to produce One Village One Product (OVOP), and conducted Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) assessments of potential areas. After FEATI was over, the program development was continued until the beginning of 2017. The development of black rice farming program requires an effective communication process among the sensemaker to succeed.

Farmer participation in the development of black rice farming program is still low. This is because the development of the program changes the habits of farmers from growing black rice in small scale to large scale, in which this change collides with the culture of the local community. The black rice program is considered unable to develop because there are some different senses and ways of thinking among the sensemakers in assessing the program development, difficulty in knowing coherence among the sensemakers, and the strategies needed. There are ambiguities in program development, namely the nature of the problem, information, and program objectives. Program uncertainty occurs in the division of roles, responsibilities, and steps in achieving program success.

Referring to the aforementioned background, the objectives of the study are to: (1) analyze the communication process in the development of black rice farming programs, (2) analyze the coherence among the sensemakers in the development of black rice farming programs, and (3) formulate the effective communication strategies in the development of black rice farming programs. This study used the sensemaking method of the organizational communication theory, communication convergence theory, and cultural pattern approaches. Constructivist paradigms with qualitative approaches and phenomenological methods have been applied to build an understanding of the program development based on the viewpoint of the sensemaker in the program communication process. Sensemaking situations are mapped throughout seven sensemaking characteristics and 12 parameters to analyze program problems. Word cloud is used to find out the main topics raised by the sensemaker and interpret. The communication network is used to see the main communicator who has a role in the communication process as a basis in formulating a communication strategy

Black rice for the Sirampog community is not just foodstuffs. It has close links with local culture and knowledge. There are three cultural elements, namely: way of life, community, and tradition. Black rice has been a part of the way of life among Sirampog people, which is a protective plant to survive and to maintain the soil fertility. People usually plant black rice in narrow planting area, such as being planted in the corner of the tulakan land (top) or bawahan land (bottom). As a community element, black rice seeds come from Sridadi and Kaligiri Village, where Sirampog community usually plant black rice from generation to generation. As a tradition, there is an ancestry message and tradition in which people always plant and conserve black rice. Until now, black rice has been used by people as saving assets like cloves or gold.

There is a communication process in the development of black rice program. If there is no dialogue, it will be no convergence in equality of opinion between policy makers, program coordinators, and program implementers. Convergence and coherence in the development of the black rice program will occur if there is dialogical, intensive, and two-way communication that can increase participation; in this case, participatory communication is dialogue. The intensive interaction in the communication process will produce convergence and coherence among sensemakers.

Coherence among sensemakers in the development of the black rice farming programs is influenced by the program manager's understanding of local knowledge, such as: (1) the habit of planting black rice in small quantities for personal consumption, (2) there are some constraints in the program development, and (3) equivocality of the sensemakers due to the harvest effects. Communication is necessary to convey the program development goals and achievement stages to the community as a whole. Coherence can be achieved when collective action is carried out.

The results of the distribution of degrees centrality analysis indicate that Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) has had the ability to become a communication bridge between the Department of Agriculture and the farmers. The stages in the communication strategy include: (1) dialogic communication through program socialization so that they can change farmers' behavior to be more participative, (2) social mobilization by increasing the intensity of interaction in the communication process through training program to achieve convergence and coherence, (3) advocacy through the increased support from local governments and related government agencies, and (4) collaborative communication through collaboration with off takers. The formulation of specifically strategies can increase the participation of all sensemakers and achieve sustainability in the development of black rice farming programs.


black rice; coherence; communication process; communication strategy; convergence

Material : Theses

Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Publication Date : 2019



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SEARCA Library


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