Quantity :1

Title: The context of REDD+ in Myanmar: Drivers, agents and institutions

Author : Oo, T.N.; Hlaing, E.E.S.; Aye, Y.Y.; Chan, N.; Maung, N.L.; Phyoe, S.S.; Thu, P.; Pham, T.T.; Maharani, C.; Moeliono, M.; Adi, G.; Dwisatrio, B.; Kyi, M.K.M.; San, S.M.


deforestation; degradation; climate change; policy; monitoring; REDD; Myanmar

Material : weblinks

Serial Title : CIFOR Occasional Paper no. 202

Publisher : Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

Publication Date : 2020

Internet Resource: https://doi.org/10.17528/cifor/007556




Tags (weblinks)

ISBN number: 978-602-387-130-8


Currently Unavailable