Quantity :1

Title: RAPD based genetic diversity, proximate analysis, and genotype x environmental interaction of some kidney beans from East Timor

Author : Marcos Correia Vidal

Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) belongs to the Leguminoseae family and is a food commodity that can increase the family's income in several developing countries, one of which is Timor Leste. The kidney bean plant is characteristically short, upright, and a crawler with low yield potential. It is widely cultivated by the people of Timor Leste in the highlands. Farmers plant local adaptive cultivars whose genotypes are still mixed, hence, are low-yielding. Exploration and evaluation of red bean genotypes have not been conducted, nor efforts to obtain superior local genotypes with high yield through plant breeding. This study aims to (a) describe the morphological, agronomic, and molecular characteristics of the red bean lanras from Timor Leste; (b) infer the effect of genotype and environmental interactions on the red bean genotype; and (c) determine the close relationship between agronomic characters and the results of the red bean genotype.

Molecular analysis research was carried out in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Department of AGH-Faperta IPB in November-January 2019. Analysis of the red bean nutrient content was carried out in November 2018 at the PT, Saraswanti Indo Genetech (SIG) Yasmin Bogor. The environmental experimentation and interaction were conducted in two locations--the Cipanas Ornamental Plant Research Institute, Cianjur Regency (1100 MASL) and Sukaresmi Village, Cipayung Village, Megamendung District, Bogor Regency (± 610 MASL). The study was conducted in June 2018-May 2019.

The data obtained were analyzed using the SAS application. RAPD molecular markers were analyzed using Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System software. Genotypes from Timor Leste and control from Indonesia (Cipanas) were separated into 3 large groups. Group 1 consists of IND-M and IND-T; group 2 consists of TL-LUN, TL-KF1, TL-RW, TLYELLOW, TL-MAC28, TL-RlO, TL-RW, TL-TB; and group 3 consists of TL-LB, TL-UMABANO, TL-DCL, TL-R03, TL-LM, TL-LL.

Proximate analysis provided information on the nutrient content of the common bean seeds. The highest carbohydrate content is in the TLR03, TL-RW, TL-Umabano, and TL-LUN genotypes; whilethe lowest is in the TL-LB genotype. The highest protein is in the four genotypes TL- LB, TL-Dcl, TL-KF2, and TL-KF1; while the lowest is in TL-R10.

Results of the combined analysis showed a diversity of characteristics among the genotypes of the kidney bean. The flowering stage, harvest, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, number of branches, stover weight, number of pods, pod weight, number of seeds, weight of 100 seeds, weight of seeds per plot, and weight of seeds per plant (except on characters of leaf length and width leaves) are not affected by genotype and environmental interactions. The number of pods, pod weight, and dry weight of seeds per plot have significant and positive correlation coefficient. Plant pod weight has the highest direct and indirect effect on crop seed weight.


kidney beans; Phaseolus vulgaris L.; correlation; genotype x environment interaction; nutrition; performance; RAPD

Material : Theses

Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)

Publication Date : 2019



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