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Title: Taxonomic review of Pselaphinae and Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinoidea: Staphylinidae) associated with fungi and slime molds in selected areas in the Philippines

Author : Kyu Kyu Thin

A taxonomic review of Pselaphinae and Scaphidiinae associated their host fungi in selected areas (Mt. Province, Laguna, Mindoro, and Bukidnon) in the Philippines was conducted. The specimens were collected using sieving method, light trap, pitfall trap, visual sampling and Tullgren method of Extraction. Five supertribes of Pselaphinae were recorded, particularly, Bythinoplectitae Schaufuss, Pselaphitae Latreille, Euplectitae Streubel, Batrisitae Reitter and Goniaceritae Reitter. Eight tribes and 19 genera were also documented and among these genera, a new genus was established Aungmyintheue gen. nov. Moreso, there were 22 new species discovered Zethopsus ahthaylayus sp. nov, Euplectomorphus thonedaungus sp. nov., Parapyxidicerus gaungpyares sp. nov., Aungmyintheus ahthitus sp. nov., Circocerus aungsansuukyiae sp. nov., Centrophthalmus bukidnonensis sp. nov., Tyraphus salamat sp. nov., Euplectus kalayus sp. nov. E. upphyarus sp. nov., Bibloplectus thitsarus sp. nov., Anama malaybalayensis sp. nov., Batriscenaulax ahtaklayio sp. nov., Tribasodes cofei sp. nov., Tribasodes mindoroensis sp. nov., T. smuteatii sp. nov., Brachygluta musuana sp. nov., Nipponobythus kyawkhinii sp. nov., Morana halkyiae sp. nov., Takaorites globosi sp. nov., Neodeuterus thanmarius sp.

On the other hand, five genera were recorded and documented for Scaphidiinae. These are Bironium Csiki, Scaphicoma Motschulsky, Scaphobaocera Csiki, Scaphisoma Leach and Baeocera Erichson from a single tribe Scaphisomatini Casey. Moreover, there were 19 species reported in this study wherein three are new species records: Bironium koloneahmeus sp. nov., Scaphicoma ceratiofeedia sp. nov. and Baeocera puncturiae sp. nov. The genus Baeocera Erichson was also first recorded associated with fungi and collected from Malaybalay, Mindanao. An updated checklist and key to the Philippine fungus beetles, Pselaphinae and Scaphidiinae are provided.


Pselaphinae and Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinoidea: Staphylinidae); fungi; slime molds

Material : Theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

Publication Date : July 2020



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