Quantity :1

Title: Latex yield and quality of rubber clones as affected by ethephon stimulation and fertilizer application in an ultisol in South Sumatra, Indonesia

Author : Risal Ardika

Rubber is one of the commodities that is important to the Indonesian economy. Efforts to increase rubber production are done through increased innovation such as the use of high quality of planting materials and stimulant application. The key to the success of these efforts also come from good management practices including fertilization and harvesting technique. This study evaluated the effect of ethephon stimulation and fertilization on latex yield and quality including nutrient uptake of medium (GT 1 and BPM 24) and high metabolism (PB 260 and IRR 122) rubber clones. Two ethephon stimulation schemes and four fertilization rates were assessed through latex production and robustness of the growth of rubber clones.

Growth parameters of the rubber clones such as girth, bark thickness and total chlorophyll content increased indicating that the combination of fertilization, particularly 100% RR, with ethephon stimulation resulted in optimal plant metabolism. Latex characteristics such as thiol, inorganic phosphate and sucrose content in BPM 24, IRR 112 and PB 260 clones also improved except in GT1 clone. Without ethephon stimulation, GT1 clone has very low inorganic phosphate content. Nutrient content in leaves and latex increased significantly with fertilization. Combined fertilization and stimulation also increased latex production and dry rubber content. Among the four rubber clones, IRR 112 clone was the most responsive to the treatments. Stimulant application was able to provide high latex production when followed by addition of fertilizer so that plant health is maintained. Fertilizer recommendations have to be checked every year so that nutritional needs of rubber will be maintained optimally. Frequency of fertilizer application must also be increased when rubber is in natural leaf fall condition.


Keywords: latex yield; rubber clones; ethephon simulation; fertilizer application; ultisol; nutrient uptake; tissue analysis; Indonesia

Material : Theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

Publication Date : July 2020



D - SoSc 39

SEARCA Library


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