Quantity :1

Title: Performance evaluation and acceptability to the neighboring community of the swine farm lagoon of University of the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

Author : Ines Soares Pereira

Animal wastes are pollutants of increasing concern both to the public and waterbody. The study aims to evaluate the impacts of filtration wastewater from the lagoon to the community in the University Animal Farm. A total of 72 respondents were interviewed for the assessment of knowledge, perception, and awareness. The assessment of the parameters for water quality was based on the analysis of the water samples collected from six sampling points. The parameters were analyzed included physical-chemical components (BOD, DO, TSS, pH, T-P, T-N, temperature, conductivity, TDS, and ORP) and microbiological components (fecal and total coliform). Results of interview showed majority of the community are knowledgeable on the illustration of water pollution and problems associated with contaminant water, but the community lack knowledge about the lagoon. The analysis results of the water quality showed twelve (12) water quality parameters are still within the standards for two (2) water sources, and six (6) of all eight (8) parameters for river streams are within the standards. Most of the parameters from lagoons did not pass the standards. The lagoons performance removal efficiency explicates the lagoons need improvement. Finding of the elevation map showed improper constructed canal from lagoon effluent to downstream river.


Evaluation; lagoon; water quality; wastewater; swine farm

Material : Theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

Publication Date : August 2020



T - EnSc 31

SEARCA Library


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