Quantity :1

Title: Cross-sector partnerships for social enterprise sustainability as a post-disaster recovery strategy in Leyte and Easter Samar, Philippines

Author : Dacuyan, Flordeliz B.

This study developed a framework for understanding the relational dynamics and power asymmetries among macro, meso, and micro stakeholders involved in the formation, development, and sustainability of social enterprise as a post-disaster recovery strategy. The framework also presented the key success factors to the sustainability of social enterprises. Using an exploratory sequential mixed-method design, qualitative data were gathered from 40 key informant interviews with the post-disaster recovery project's macro and meso stakeholders and 14 FGD sessions with the project's social enterprise-beneficiaries. A survey was also conducted among 215 randomly selected beneficiaries representing 62 social enterprises from eight (8) municipalities in Leyte and Eastern Samar, Philippines. The cross-sector partnerships can be characterized as having complex and fragmented relational dynamics and power asymmetries due to the lack of communication and coordination among and between the macro (i.e., GAC-CECICONCERN Inc. and OPARR) and meso (e.g., regional, provincial, and municipal agencies, organizations, and LGUs) stakeholders. Factors related to the sustainability of social enterprises were also identified. At the meso level, these were local policies, political environment, individual characteristics of the LGU executives and the leadership and governance. On the other hand, at the individual beneficiary micro level, the significant factors were gender (female), educational attainment, total monthly income and the income increase from the project grant. Meanwhile, at the social enterprise micro level, the critical factors were cooperative structure, LGU registration, number of products sold and marketed, sufficiency of capital, relationship with the LGU, and perception and attitude of a social enterprise.


social enterprise; post-disaster recovery; INGO; NGO; economic impact; social impact; beneficiaries; households; Leyte; Easter Samar; Philippines

Material : Theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

Publication Date : 2021 Jan



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