Quantity :1

Title: Establishment oft the village-type cacao by-products processing enterprise in major cacao producing areas

Author : Tuates Jr., Andres M.; Calica, Gigi B.; Testa, Mia F.; Carriedo, Aileen G.; De Leon, Aina Marie; Caparino, Ofero A.

Four cacao processing centers were established namely: 1) Albay Pili and Cacao Industry Association (APCIA), Cabangan, Camalig, Albay, 2) Mayon Farmers Association (MFA), Sua, Camalig, Albay, 3) Rosit Cacao Farm, Baguio District, Davao City and 4) KVT Farm, Catalunan Grande, Davao City. The processing enterprise is equipped with cacao facilities such as a mechanical washer, soaking tank, pods cage, pods splitter, extraction table for wet beans, stainless fermentation box and briquetting system. The cooperators were receptive to the cacao by-product processing because it addresses the waste management problems in the community. Also, conversion of the cacao wastes into wine, vinegar, health drinks and fuel briquettes provides additional income ranging
from Php8 to Php12/kg of wet beans.

Feasibility study results showed that processing wine and vinegar from cacao sweatings is more viable if integrated with the following: Module 1 – buying only the sweatings at Php2/liter and selling price of wine and vinegar at Php160 and Php60/750ml bottle, respectively. Module 2 – Buying 1,500 kg of wet beans at Php32/kg and processing cacao sweatings by-products into wine and vinegar. Selling prices are: wine at Php170/750ml bottle; vinegar at Php60/750 ml bottle and wet beans at Php32/kg. Module 3 – Buying 1,500kg of wet beans at Php32/kg and processing cacao sweatings by-products into wine and vinegar and drying wet beans. Selling prices are: wine at Php150/750 ml bottle; vinegar at Php60/750 ml bottle and dried beans at Php150/kg. Module 4 – Buying 1,500kg of wet beans at Php32/kg and processing cacao sweatings by-products into wine and vinegar, drying the beans and cacao pods for briquettes. Selling prices are: wine at Php150/750 ml bottle; vinegar at Php60/750 ml bottle; dried
beans at Php150/kg and briquettes at Php25/kg. It is recommended that the cacao facilities and equipment be made available in the cacao growers through soft loans or grants. Likewise, a more in-depth market analysis of cacao by-products is also recommended.


cacao; wine; vinegar; health drinks; briquettes

Material : serials

Serial Title : Asian Journal of Postharvest and Mechanization

Publisher : Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech)

Publication Date : 2020

ISSN : 2546-1346




SEARCA Library


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