Quantity :1

Title: Extension strategies toward effective implementation of the Land Use Rights Registration Program in Pyinmana Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Author : Zaw Win Kyaw

Myanmar needs an innovation in its land administration to help its farmers; thus, it implemented the Land Use Rights Registration Program (LURRP). This study analyzed the LURRP; specifically, it assessed the farmers' knowledge about this program and their attitudes on it and its personnel. It also proposed extension strategies toward effective implementation of the program. This study used survey (with 180 respondents), key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and review of secondary data. The results of the survey were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics.

The LURRP is new, needed, and beneficial to the farmers. The respondents are at their economically productive age, educated, have small family size, and are seasoned yet have remained to be small-scaled farmers. They are moderately knowledgeable and satisfied about the program; however, their high satisfaction with the LURRP personnel is indicative of their trust in them being the implementers of the program. The government's facilitation efforts in implementing the program were found to be needing improvement. The statistically significant relationships among the farmers' knowledge, attitude toward the program, participation in the LURRP implementation, and access to the government facilitation for the LURRP are indicative that these are interrelated factors of extension strategies towards its effective implementation. To enhance the program's effectiveness, accessibility, affordability, and transparency, the proposed extension strategies are person­to-person information access and delivery especially through the village head and having the facilities in education activities and institutions and community development programs conducted by the LURRP personnel. To improve farmers' knowledge, which encourage the farmers' participation in the LURRP, identified extension strategies are related to information access, information, source, facilitation of educational activities, and institution and community development. To improve the program's inclusiveness, the proposed strategy is the participatory land registration with the women's involvement.


extension strategies; land registration; land use rights; program for farmers; women participation

Material : Theses

Publisher : University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB)

Publication Date : 2021



T - ExEd 18

SEARCA Library


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