Quantity :1

Title: International Conference on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Food and Environmental Security - Souvenir Program and Abstracts of Conference Papers

The papers presented a wide range of new knowledge along with appropriate, indigenous or local technologies that can be used to address the impacts of climate change—not only as adaptation strategies, but also for mitigation and increasing resilience. The initiatives described likewise vary widely in methods and approaches (simulation/modeling by experts to highly participatory approaches with direct involvement of end users in the field); differences in ecological zones (tropical forests, agroforestry systems, irrigated lowlands, dryland farms, fishpens in lakes, to pelagic fisheries); and scale (breeding work/genetic level to household, community, up to regional in scope).


climate change; food security; environmental security; impacts; vulnerability; adaptations; capacity building

Material : Book

Publisher : SEARCA

Publication Date : 2013

Internet Resource: https://www.searca.org/pubs/proceeding-workshop-reports?pid=448




SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

Tags (Book)


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