Quantity :1

Title: Handbook of Non-Formal Education and Team Building Exercises for Integrated Pest Management

This book is a valuable guide for farm technicians and extension workers in the conduct of season-long IPM training. It enhances the experiential, discover-based, and participatory learning approaches of the Training of Trainors and the Farmer Field Schools.

The exercises in the handbook are based from field experiences of Philippine IPM trainors as well as trainors from other Asian countries (i.e., Vietnam and Indonesia). Most of the exercises have been improved, tried and proven to be effective in season-long IPM training in South and Southeast Asia.


integrated pest management; training tool

Material : Book

Publisher : ASEAN IPM Knowledge Network; SEARCA. KASAKALIKASAN, Dapartment of Agriculture; SEARCA

Publication Date : 1999

Internet Resource: https://www.searca.org/pubs/books?pid=27




SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

Tags (Book)

ISBN number: 978-971-560-253-2


Currently Unavailable