Quantity :1

Title: Agribusiness and the rural-urban interface

Author : Manalili, Nerlita M.

The contents of these papers are consistent with the sustainable agricultural development thrust of SEARCA. The first takes a look at how economies respond to the challenge of agribusiness and, consequently, agro-industrial development. It likewise shows that a country's economic performance, is to a great extent, dependent on how well they have pursued its program thrust and provided policy support. The second paper looks at non-farm employment generation as it relates to agriculture and the non-farm sector, the growth dynamics in the region, and the rural-urban linkage development and approaches. The paper asserts the fact that agribusiness plays a crucial role in the agricultural and economic development as it provided the much needed link between agriculture and industries, between the rural and urban sectors where they are respectively based.


rural urban; agribusiness; agro-industrial development

Material : Book

Publisher : SEARCA

Publication Date : 2002

Internet Resource: https://www.searca.org/pubs/monographs?pid=107




SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

Tags (Book)

ISBN number: 971-560-094-8


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