Quantity :1

Title: Discovering new roads to development - Volume 2: Lowland agricultural technologies

Author : Conejos, Jay Ronel V.; Ketin, Suwisar; Son, Ngo Thanh; Mali Code, Carlito De Araújo; Aye, Thanda

Comparative Effects of Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS) and Doxycycline on the Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Intestinal Morphology of Swine [Sus domesticus Erxleben] - by Jay Ronel V. Conejos, Sonia P. Acda, Severino S. Capitan, Elpidio M. Agbisit Jr., and Florinia E. Merca

Economic Assessment of Mangosteen Farmers' Adoption of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) in Rayong Province, Thailand - by Suwisar Ketin

Effects of Water-saving Irrigation Practices on Soil Chemical Properties and Rice Yield in Gia Lam District, Hanoi Province - by Ngo Thanh Son, Rodrigo B. Badayos, Pearl B. Sanchez, Pompe C. Sta. Cruz, Nguyen Van Dunga, and Nguyen Huu Thanha

Heritability and Correlation Estimates of Semen Characteristics and Reproductive Traits in Various Genetic Groups of Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos L.) - by Carlito De Araújo Mali Code and Angel L. Lambio

Use of Trunk Injection Technique to Promote Flowering of 'Carabao' Mango (Mangifera indica L.)
Thanda Aye


good agricultural practice; irrigation practices; mallard ducks; carabao mango; DNR

Material : Book

Publisher : SEARCA

Publication Date : 2011

ISSN : 2012-4635

Internet Resource: https://www.searca.org/pubs/monographs?pid=59




SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

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