Author : Bautista, Naidyl Isis; Cabling, Kristine; Cruz, Frances Antoinette; Melchor, Jillian Loise; Sarmiento, Anna Marie S.
This paper aims to draw attention to two aspects of foreign language (FL) learning that emerged from the roundtable discussion with various stakeholders on the decolonial dimension of FL enterprise in the country, which took place in April 2019 at the UP Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP CIDS). First, the implicit reinforcement of the one-nation-onelanguage ideology, inexorably embedded in our notions of foreign languages, is problematized, with particular reference to foreign language policies, materials, and teaching methods. Secondly, considerations for foreign language teaching approaches and materials are put forward, taking into account the sociolinguistic and historical features of a postcolonial setting such as the Philippines. Challenges in integrating a decolonial framework in the institutional conceptualization and policies on foreign language teaching in the Philippines conclude this paper.
foreign languages; policy; decolonial studies; instructional materials; teaching approaches; decolonizing foreign languages
Material : Book
Serial Title : UP CIDS Discussion Paper 2019-11
Publisher : University of the Philippines Center for Integrative and Development Studies (UP-CIDS)
Publication Date : 2019
ISSN : 2619-7448
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