Quantity :1

Title: Review: Citrus viroids and minor citrus viruses in Japan

Author : Iwanami, Toru

Citrus species grown in Japan are affected by several viruses and viroids, including satsuma dwarf virus, citrus vein enation virus, citrus exocortis viroid, and other citrus viroids. Recently, a comprehensive review was made on the occurrence, history, and research of the following three major citrus viruses in Japan: satsuma dwarf virus, citrus tatter leaf virus (apple stem grooving virus), and citrus tristeza virus (Iwanami 2022). As a sequel, this study reviews the occurrence, history, and research development of citrus viroids as well as minor citrus viruses in and around Japan.


quarantine program; transboundary pest; virus elimination

Material : serials

Serial Title : Japan Agricultural Research Quarterly (JARQ)

Publisher : Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

Publication Date : 2023

ISSN : 0021-3551




SEARCA Library


Tags (serials)


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