Quantity :1

Title: How India and Thailand are stretching incomes by integrating rubber into their farming systems

Author : Viswanathan, P.K.

When farmers integrate rubber into their livelihood systems, they become more resilient in coping with crises and they get a stable income flow from it. Rubber as a single crop is viable; provided that prices remain favorable and market demand is high. Findings further indicate the dominant contribution of rubber production to the rubber growers’ gross household income in integrated farming systems. However, there are some policy implications in scaling up rubber integrated farm livelihood systems. Foremost is strengthening of the smallholders’ access to the five forms of capital that sustain their livelihood.


rubber farming systems; policy brief; Thailand; India

Material : serials

Serial Title : SEARCA Policy Brief Series 2009-4

Publisher : SEARCA

Publication Date : 2009

ISSN : 1656-8818

Internet Resource: https://www.searca.org/pubs/briefs-notes?pid=78




SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

Tags (serials)


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