Quantity :1

Title: Structural transformation, the changing role of rice, and food security in Asia: Small farmers and modern supply chains

Author : Timmer, C. Peter

Food security is not a viable social objective unless it is also a profitable undertaking for input suppliers, farmers, and marketers of output. Consumers must then be able to afford to purchase food, secure in the knowledge that it is safe and nutritious (Reardon and Timmer 2007). Achieving food security within these constraints of a complex economic system is a challenge because both poor consumers and small farmers must be effective participants.


structural transformation; rice; food security; small farmers; supply chains; production; consumption; policy implications; Asia

Material : serials

Serial Title : Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD)

Publisher : SEARCA

Publication Date : 2012

ISSN : 1656-4383 (print); 2599-3879 (online)

Internet Resource: https://ajad.searca.org/article?p=382



SEARCA AJAD 2012 9-1-2

SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

Tags (serials)


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